Passionately produced videos of some of my adventures

I am no cinematographer and many of the following clips were shot within the limitations of guiding guests.

These are however worth sharing…

Interesting series coming soon-watch this space

The Gift…

There is a big difference between taking…and receiving. Usually moms and babies are to be avoided, but this encounter wasn’t usual…

Knock Knock!

A curious visitor to our house. This happened during a stretch where our fence was broken and the eles destroyed 21 trees around the house…the fence has since been fixed!

Solo fun over the Olifants

My very first attempt at capturing footage of some aerial antics.

Exploring those moments where absolute presence is demanded…lights my fire!

Sitting with Elephants…

Even after nearly 3 decades, this never gets old! Please note that I am not encouraging this type of behaviour as there are so many variables involved.

This is my life…

A collage of moments and encounters from some of my guiding experiences over the last 3 decades throughout Southern and East Africa. The appropriate lyrics also speaks volumes.


Radical simplification is key to Backpack Trails.

Here Sean and I demonstrate how we make a friction fire with Sycamore Fig base and spindle in conjunction with dry elephant dung.

What a spectacular morning! The forecast of sunrise mist was spot-on…

Hoanib Visitor.

Sleeping under the stars is a favourite past-time…irrespective of location. This time around, we had a sneaky and stealthy visit in the Hoanib River in Northern Namibia.

In this segment we discuss what I consider what it is that I do, knowledge versus wisdom, and deep connections.

In this second segment we talk about intention when interfacing with nature/wildlife, safety being my second priority and improved guidelines regarding guiding conduct.

In this third segment we discuss the importance of habitats and the excitement of not knowing what is going to happen on any given walk.

In this last instalment, the critical presence of Mopane-veld in my world and paying fierce attention.